Tag Archives: feelings

Ways To Show Yourself Love #selflove

This is a series about authenticity, validation, self-belief and personal power.

The importance of loving yourself

How do you show your love to someone? Most people convey their warmth, tenderness, kindness and support by the way they speak and act towards the other person.

But have you ever thought of showing love to yourself? Continue reading

Meditation and Spending Time With Yourself #selflove

This is a series about authenticity, validation, self-belief and personal power.

How we self-avoid

I’ve always been happy to spend time by myself and would keep myself occupied, busily working on my many projects or tasks. In fact, I would drive myself to achieve my goals, making sure that every second of the day was accounted for. That made me feel as if I was being productive and useful.

I thought that was “spending time with myself.” But now I realise that this constant activity was actually a form of self-avoidance. Continue reading

Your Own Opinions And Feelings #selfaware

This is a series about authenticity, validation, self-belief and personal power.

I’ve already mentioned self-validation, but I wanted to talk more about respecting our own opinions and feelings.

I realise now that for my most of my life I have been extremely reactionary. If someone said or did anything that concerned me in any way, I would immediately react and try to fix things up or do something about it. If I thought someone had a poor opinion of me for any reason, I would react and try to plead my case. Continue reading